Models in New York....

So after a long walk in downtown Manhattan, I walked back to starting point as a twitter friend told me to look for something. When I got to the area of Chelsea Piers, I noticed some people around some benches. When I got closer I saw it was a group of models with a photographer and hairdresser. I asked the hairdresser whom they were doing the photoshoot for and it was pronounced "Fabriatica" something... I should have asked to have it written down, as I have been trying to track down the magazine or internet page, as I wanted to see the outcome of the photoshoot.

While I talked with the hairdresser and told where I was from, he said I was welcome to take photos if I wanted to and with an ok from the model, here are my photos from that encounter. For me it was an special moment, to see a real photoshoot like this in New York.

If you see this model somewhere, please could you give me the link or the name of the magazine, so I can try and get it....? I would love to see the outcome from this photoshoot....


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