
Showing posts with the label troopers

Photos from first day of Star Wars....

Phew, finished the photos from the first day of the Star Wars convention I went to last weekend. Took a bit longer than I had planed, plus it will be a bit longer before I can finish up the last photos from the 2nd day as real life intervened this coming week.... so please bear over with me with the last photos. However I've made two photos differently from what they should look like.... go take a look....  :-) Entrence to get inside... Iron Man Alan Flyng becoming member of the Danish V group Busy inside the first hall Beware... you never know whom you see on your way.... Pam Rose talking with a fan by her table.... David Prowse, who was the body of Darth Vader in the first old series.... Fans had great time with David and Pam talking about the movies and other things... Myself to the right in grey sweater with my Swedish friend w/black hair, we couldn't put a serious face so this was the best we could do....